Full Title: Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) in the United States
Author(s): Angela C. Jones, Ashley J. Lawson
Publisher(s): Congressional Research Service (CRS)
Publication Date: October 18, 2021
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Description (excerpt):
Carbon capture and storage (or sequestration)—known as CCS—is a process that involves capturing man–made carbon dioxide (CO2) at its source and storing it permanently underground. CCS could reduce the amount of CO2—an important greenhouse gas—emitted to the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels at power plants and other large industrial facilities. The concept of carbon utilization has also gained interest within Congress and in the private sector as a means for capturing CO2 and converting it into potentially commercially viable products, such as chemicals, fuels, cements, and plastics, thereby reducing emissions to the atmosphere and helping offset the cost of CO2 capture (CCS is sometimes referred to as CCUS—carbon capture, utilization, and storage). Direct air capture is a related and emerging technology designed to remove atmospheric CO2 directly.