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Carbon Capture Versus Direct Air Capture

Carbon Capture Versus Direct Air Capture

Full Title: Carbon Capture Versus Direct Air Capture
Author(s): Ashley J. Lawson
Publisher(s): Congressional Research Service (CRS)
Publication Date: November 16, 2021
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Carbon capture and direct air capture (DAC) have gained prominence in recent years as options to address climate change. The two technologies have similarities (beyond their names), but they also have differences. Key differences include how the technologies work, where the technology can be used, how the technology can address climate change, and levels of federal support.

The following analysis explains key differences between the two technologies to inform ongoing congressional deliberations regarding the merits of these technologies, rationale for federal support, and funding level considerations. Additional information, such as costs and other challenges, is provided in other CRS resources, listed below.

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