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Charting the Course for Early Truck Electrification

Charting the Course for Early Truck Electrification

Full Title: Charting the Course for Early Truck Electrification
Author(s): Jessie Lund, Dave Mullaney, Emily Porter, John Schroeder
Publisher(s): RMI
Publication Date: May 6, 2022
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Trucks in the United States produce 25 percent of transportation greenhouse gas emissions even though they only make up 10 percent of vehicles on the road. And the problem is growing — emissions from trucks have nearly doubled in the past 30 years and are slated to increase faster as e-commerce booms.

Fortunately, development in EV technology has led to breakthroughs in electric medium- and heavy-duty vehicles. Today, although supply is still relatively low, there are dozens of battery-electric truck models available in the United States and Canada alone, and that number is increasing rapidly to meet demand. Across the United States, fleets have already committed to deploying over 140,000 electric vehicles.

Although this trend is enabled by technology, regulation is also encouraging electric truck adoption. California now requires truck builders to sell an increasing percentage of electric trucks in the state. And 15 additional states signed a joint memorandum of understanding to follow California’s path.

This report uses real-world observed trucking telematics data from Geotab to investigate which trucks in California and New York can electrify the fastest based on currently available electric truck models.

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