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Chemical Thermodynamics of Selected Ancillary Compounds of Interest to Radioactive Waste Management

Chemical Thermodynamics of Selected Ancillary Compounds of Interest to Radioactive Waste Management

Full Title: Chemical Thermodynamics of Selected Ancillary Compounds of Interest to Radioactive Waste Management
Author(s): Malcolm Rand, Donald Palmer, Tamás Gajda, and Jean Fuger
Publisher(s): Nuclear Energy Agency
Publication Date: June 21, 2024
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

This is Volume 15 in the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) “Chemical Thermodynamics” series that features expert reviews of the chemical thermodynamics of key chemical elements in nuclear technology and waste management.

This volume is devoted to the Chemical Thermodynamics of Selected Ancillary Compounds of Interest to Radioactive Waste Management. The selected systems are phosphates, carbonates, SiO2(s) and SiO2(aq) species, aqueous borate species, aluminium species, magnesium and calcium, solid sodium and potassium carbonates and hydrocarbonates, solid sodium borate, and magnesium and calcium containing minerals.

A team, composed of four internationally recognised experts, has critically reviewed all the relevant scientific literature for the above mentioned systems and documented the results in the present volume, which contains new tables of selected values for formation and reaction data and an extensive bibliography.

This volume will be of particular interest to scientists carrying out performance assessments of deep geological disposal sites for radioactive waste.

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