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China and the Rare Earth Supply Chain

China and the Rare Earth Supply Chain

Full Title: China and the Rare Earth Supply Chain
Author(s): Institute for Energy Research
Publisher(s): Institute for Energy Research
Publication Date: February 23, 2021
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Rare earth elements are used in the production of high tech devices such as defense equipment (e.g. radar systems and guided missiles) and energy technologies (e.g. electric vehicles and wind turbines). China dominates the supply chain of rare earth elements, having 37 percent of proven reserves, producing 63 percent of global output, and housing about 85 percent of the processing capacity. The United States is much, much more dependent upon China for the rare earth minerals necessary for renewable energy technologies than it ever was on the Middle East for oil imports. The U.S. Department of Defense is funding two separation plants in the United States under a program initiated by President Trump.

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