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Climate Change in the American Mind

Climate Change in the American Mind

Full Title: Climate Change in the American Mind
Author(s): Anthony Leiserowitz, Edward Maibach, Seth Rosenthal, John Kotcher
Publisher(s): Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication
Publication Date: December 17, 2019
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Recognizing that public opinion plays a critical role in the American response to global warming, our bi-annual Climate Change in the American Mind national surveys investigate, track, and explain public understanding of climate change and level of support for climate policies in the U.S. Our findings are published in numerous reports throughout the year and are cited by leading journals, publications, and online media around the world.

Our surveys—conducted in partnership with the Center for Climate Change Communication at George Mason University—are the most comprehensive of their kind and draw on the leading scholarship and survey research expertise of our multidisciplinary staff and partners. Our findings provide up-to-the-minute insights vital to the design of effective climate change education and communication campaigns conducted by local, state, and national governments, environmental organizations, academic institutions, businesses, faith groups, doctors, and scientists.

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