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Climate of Crisis: How Cities Can Use Climate Action to Close the Equity Gap, Drive Economic Recovery, and Improve Public Health

Climate of Crisis: How Cities Can Use Climate Action to Close the Equity Gap, Drive Economic Recovery, and Improve Public Health

Full Title: Climate of Crisis: How Cities Can Use Climate Action to Close the Equity Gap, Drive Economic Recovery, and Improve Public Health
Author(s): Cutler J. Cleveland, Jacqueline Ashmore, Ardeth Barnhart, Taylor Dudley, Matthew Lillie, Katharine Lusk, Alicia Zhang, Peter Plastrik, John Cleveland
Publisher(s): Boston University Institute for Sustainable Energy, Boston University Initiative on Cities, Innovation Network for Communities
Publication Date: September 19, 2020
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The purpose of the report is to support city and other local officials in their response to the
events of 2020: the COVID-19 pandemic, a severe recession, a wave of social protest, and the
ongoing imperative to respond to climate change. We provide new insight to the cause and
confluence of these stressors, and suggest ways to blunt the short-term setbacks while
simultaneously strengthening the foundation for sustained and equitable climate action that
improves well-being for all. Our approach has a strong social equity component because the
events of 2020 underscore that equitable life opportunities is a necessary condition for
sustainability. Our intentional focus on equity reveals many “win-win” opportunities across
the economic, social, and environmental landscapes of cities.

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