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Climate-Tech to Watch: Enhanced Geothermal Systems

Climate-Tech to Watch: Enhanced Geothermal Systems

Full Title: Climate-Tech to Watch: Enhanced Geothermal Systems
Author(s): Linh Nguyen
Publisher(s): Information Technology & Innovation Foundation (ITIF)
Publication Date: September 13, 2021
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

With technological advancements in deep-well drilling and material improvements, Enhanced Geothermal Systems technology costs could be reduced, and geothermal energy could make substantial contributions to a net-zero energy system over the long term.

An enhanced geothermal system (EGS) produces carbon-free power by harnessing the earth’s heat from far below the ground. An EGS accesses the heat by injecting water at high pressure from wells on the surface. The water creates fractures in deep rock formations, and the rocks, in turn, heat up the water. The water is then pumped back up, carrying enough heat to produce steam for power generation. EGS promises to harness the inexhaustible heat of the earth’s crust to help power the world for generations to come.

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