Full Title: Critical Issues in the Trucking Industry
Author(s): American Transportation Research Institute
Publisher(s): American Transportation Research Institute
Publication Date: October 15, 2022
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Two years after COVID-19 changed the course of the world, pandemic-induced pains continued into 2022, including global supply chain disruptions and labor shortages spurred by the Great Resignation. Then in February, Russia invaded Ukraine, generating widespread international condemnation and sanctions against Russia and sparking humanitarian and economic crises.
Given today’s widespread economic challenges, it is imperative that supply chain stakeholders understand the interplay of the various issues confronting the trucking industry. For the past 18 years, the trucking industry has relied on the American Transportation Research Institute’s (ATRI) Top Industry Issues analysis to prioritize the trucking industry’s most critical issues as well as to identify preferred strategies for addressing each issue. Organizations such as the American Trucking Associations (ATA) and its Federation partners in the State Trucking Associations (STA) have leveraged ATRI’s Top Industry Issues report to develop proactive industry-centric strategies and programs.