Full Title: Distributed Energy Resources Interoperability Profile Template
Author(s): Smart Electric Power Alliance
Publisher(s): Smart Electric Power Alliance
Publication Date: November 23, 2023
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
Climate change has necessitated the development and widespread integration of renewable distributed energy resources (DERs) of differing sizes and varieties at all levels of the electric power grid. Successful DER integration depends upon the ability of devices from different manufacturers to interoperate.
This report develops and implements an Interoperability Profile Template to integrate distributed energy resources (DERs) into electric power systems.
Key Takeaways:
– Climate change has necessitated the development and widespread integration of renewable distributed energy resources (DERS) of differing sizes and varieties at all levels of the electric power grid.
– DER integration depends upon the ability of devices from different manufacturers to interoperate. Challenges remain regarding the implementation of protection, automation, and control systems using communications technologies and communication protocols.