Full Title: Eastern Renewable Generation Integration Study
Author(s): Aaron Bloom, Aaron Townsend, David Palchak, Joshua Novacheck, Jack King, Clayton Barrows, Eduardo Ibanez, Matthew O’Connell, Gary Jordan, Billy Roberts, Caroline Draxl, and Kenny Gruchalla
Publisher(s): National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Publication Date: August 26, 2016
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
This study investigates certain aspects of the reliability and economic efficiency problem faced by power system operators and planners. Specifically, the study models the ability to meet electricity demand at a 5-minute time interval by scheduling resources for known ramping events, while maintaining adequate reserves to meet random variation in supply and demand, and contingency events. To measure the ability to meet these requirements, a unit commitment and economic dispatch (UC&ED) model is employed to simulate power system operations. The economic costs of managing this system are presented using production costs, a traditional UC&ED metric that does not include any consideration of long-term fixed costs.