Full Title: Emergence Strategy in Action: Danone and the Dairy Methane Action Alliance
Author(s): Will Atkinson, James Newcomb, and Marissa Gantman
Publisher(s): Rocky Mountain Institute
Publication Date: February 5, 2024
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Description (excerpt):
How could a single company work with 58,000 global farmers to reduce a key climate pollutant in a hard-to-solve sector? This has been a strategic challenge for Danone, one of the world’s largest dairy companies, in making an ambitious pledge to reduce methane emissions from its fresh milk supply.
The answer has required a systems approach to scale solutions across partners in research, policy, market coalitions, supply chains, and farms. With many solutions just beginning the S-curve of market readiness and adoption, Danone has invested in coalitions and networks that can disseminate solutions globally. This will require systems leadership, but could provide major near-term benefits if achieved.