Full Title: Emergence Strategy in Action: Stora Enso’s Transformation into a Renewable Materials Company
Author(s): Yuki Numata and James Newcomb
Publisher(s): Rocky Mountain Institute
Publication Date: December 14, 2023
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
In the mid-2000s, as electronic media took off, demand for paper started to fall. In fact, in the past twenty years, newsprint fell from 12 percent to less than 4 percent of global paper and paperboard production. That’s when one of the world’s top five paper manufacturers, Stora Enso, decided to make some big changes and become a renewable materials company.
Finnish company Stora Enso is one of the oldest companies in the world, with operations dating back to 1288. It recently gained recognition for pushing the frontier in the renewable materials field. Through the development of products such as plastic drinkware alternatives and sustainable building materials, in collaboration with partners downstream in the value chain, the company has sought to catalyze change in multiple systems and markets, especially food and buildings.