Full Title: Emerging Public Health Needs for Climate Smart Technology in Connecticut Affordable Housing
Author(s): Gabriella Crivelli, CJ Miles, Nicole-Kristine Smith, Hengchao Zhu, Matthew Di Vitto, Claire Lee, Alixandra Rachman, Annie Harper, Laura Bozzi, Gaby Olea Vargas, Britt’ny Bettis-Allen, Keyla Palala, and Darlene Yule
Publisher(s): Yale Center on Climate Change and Health
Publication Date: August 6, 2024
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Description (excerpt):
This study was designed to better understand the needs of people who use home medical devices (HMDs) when experiencing a power outage. In this study, HMDs were defined as electricity-reliant medical equipment that empower independent living or are necessary for living with a medical condition. This includes but is not limited to life-support equipment (such as dialysis machines and ventilators) and technologies for independent living (such as electric wheelchairs, refrigeration for medicine, and stable indoor temperatures). With a better understanding of how the loss of power impacts HMD users in affordable housing units across Connecticut, more informed decisions can be made regarding the implementation of Climate Smart Technologies (CSTs) through advances in building codes and other policy changes. Ultimately, these changes aim to increase the resiliency of HMD users through advances in building codes, additional incentives, and other policy changes so that they can remain healthy and secure in the face of extreme weather events.