Full Title: Enabling New Pumped Storage Hydropower: A Guidance Note for Key Decision Makers to De-risk Pumped Storage Investments
Author(s): IHA Working Group
Publisher(s): International Hydropower Association
Publication Date: August 14, 2024
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
Pumped Storage Hydropower (PSH) is the largest form of renewable energy storage, with nearly 200 GW installed capacity providing more than 90% of all long duration energy storage across the world with over 400 projects in operation.
This guidance note delivers recommendations to reduce risks and enhance certainty in project development and delivery. It also equips key decision-makers with the tools to guide the development of pumped storage hydropower projects and unlock crucial finance mechanisms. By utilizing the recommendations provided, a new market entrant will be better able to understand the risks and create a mitigation strategy to address them.