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Energy Parks: A New Strategy To Meet Rising Electricity Demand

Energy Parks: A New Strategy To Meet Rising Electricity Demand

Full Title: Energy Parks: A New Strategy To Meet Rising Electricity Demand
Author(s): Eric Gimon
Publisher(s): Energy Innovation
Publication Date: December 9, 2024
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

As we seek to clean up our electricity supply and leverage zero-emission electricity to cut climate pollution from buildings, transportation and industry, we need to think outside the box to reach the speed and scale our times demand. This report explores a solution to meet rising electricity demand that can be deployed quickly and affordably: Energy parks. Energy parks integrate multiple renewable energy source and storage solutions like batteries, and potentially co-locate with electricity consumers such as factories or data centers, all connected to the grid at a single point. They do this to speed up development, share costly onsite infrastructure, and directly connect complementary resources.

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