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Energy Subsidy Reform in Action: Approaches and Insights from Recent Research on Energy Subsidy Reform

Energy Subsidy Reform in Action: Approaches and Insights from Recent Research on Energy Subsidy Reform

Full Title: Energy Subsidy Reform in Action: Approaches and Insights from Recent Research on Energy Subsidy Reform
Author(s): Robert Bacon and Defne Gencer
Publisher(s): The World Bank and Energy Sector Management Assistance Program
Publication Date: May 1, 2024
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Description (excerpt):

In the past decade, there have been multiple efforts worldwide to reform energy subsidies, each of them yielding valuable insights and lessons, and along with them, extensive analyses at the country, regional, or global level. Numerous articles and reports have documented country experiences, identifying emerging approaches and analyzing different dimensions of reforms, including their impacts on the economy and the society. Although some of these pieces of literature deployed standard, well-established approaches, several applied novel approaches or adapted those from other academic disciplines. Some themes were less frequently covered than others, indicating potential areas that could benefit from additional work. The identification of areas requiring further research and analysis can inform future work and help strengthen the global knowledge base on energy subsidy reforms. It is within this context that a review of recent literature was carried out by ESMAP’s Energy Subsidy Reform Facility (ESRF).

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