Full Title: Enhancing and Maintaining Gas and Energy System Resiliency: Areas of Focus and Change
Author(s): Guidehouse
Publisher(s): American Gas Foundation
Publication Date: October 15, 2022
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
This study was conducted to investigate the resilience of the US gas system and the necessary changes required to the regulatory framework to support gas resilience investments. This work was directed to ask and answer four key questions: What characteristics of the current regulatory framework enable or disable gas resilience? How can resilience be valued and measured to better qualify gas infrastructure investments? What recommended changes are needed to fully enable gas system resilience? Through what modified regulatory frameworks can the recommended changes be implemented?
These questions were explored through a qualitative assessment conducted by Guidehouse, including discussions and interviews with many energy industry subject matter experts and Commissioners across the US and Canada. Case studies and examples of resilience were identified as a part of these discussions. Guidehouse used these studies and examples to develop methods to properly value resilience infrastructure and implement gas resilience within the energy system, including through proposed regulatory changes. The findings presented in this work identify issues that merit consideration and further exploration when developing future energy policy and regulation to ensure a resilient, reliable, and clean future energy system in all regions and jurisdictions.