Full Title: ESMAP Business Plan FY2025-30
Author(s): Energy Sector Management Assistance Program
Publisher(s): Energy Sector Management Assistance Program
Publication Date: August 28, 2024
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
In its Business Plan FY25-30, ESMAP aims to support client countries on three overarching objectives:
– Ensure universal access to affordable, reliable, and modern energy services by 2030
– Accelerate the transition towards a sustainable, just, and decarbonized energy system
– Ensure the resilience and adaptation of the energy sector to the growing impacts of climate change and other shocks.
The Business Plan has two focus areas: Energy Access and Energy Transition. The Energy Access focus area helps World Bank clients achieve results on the ground and will employ three approaches: i) catalytic incentives to facilitate private sector investments and connections, ii) hands-on implementation support, and iii) tailored solutions for all beneficiary groups. The Energy Transition focus area will be implemented through three complementary workstreams: (i) scaling up renewable energy, storage, and clean hydrogen; (ii) scaling-up energy efficiency and decarbonization of end-use sectors; and (iii) transitioning away from unabated fossil fuel.