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Fall 2021 Update: Mapping Jobs and the Transition to Electric Vehicle Assembly in the US

Fall 2021 Update: Mapping Jobs and the Transition to Electric Vehicle Assembly in the US

Full Title: Fall 2021 Update: Mapping Jobs and the Transition to Electric Vehicle Assembly in the US
Author(s): Ellen Hughes-Cromwick
Publisher(s): Third Way
Publication Date: October 15, 2021
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Since we issued this report last May, we have seen a step up in announcements of more production of electric vehicles and batteries in the US. In fact, for an industry that plans new products over a 5-10 year time span, EV-related announcements have come with lightning speed this year.

What’s speeding up the pace of EV plans? Perhaps industry has had time to build confidence in their strategies to shift toward electric models. They might also be paying attention to the tens of billions of dollars that Congress is likely to invest in EV consumer subsidies, charging infrastructure, and supply chains that will make the choice a no-brainer: get ahead on EVs or get left behind.

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