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Federal Clean Energy Tax Credits: A Vital Building Block for Advancing Clean Electricity

Federal Clean Energy Tax Credits: A Vital Building Block for Advancing Clean Electricity

Full Title: Federal Clean Energy Tax Credits: A Vital Building Block for Advancing Clean Electricity
Author(s): Sandra Sattler, Ashtin Massie, Steve Clemmer, Chloe Ames
Publisher(s): Union of Concerned Scientists
Publication Date: April 29, 2021
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Analysis by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) shows that federal tax credits are an effective near-term path for expanding renewable energy.

Using an energy planning model developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, UCS energy experts examined the electricity sector provisions of several proposed bills to determine their impact on accelerating the momentum away from coal and gas in the US power sector.

We found that each of the proposed policies would spur increased use of renewable energy and reductions in carbon emissions. We concluded that the Clean Energy for America Act—a technology-neutral tax credit—would achieve the greatest increase in renewable energy capacity and the deepest reductions in both carbon and toxic air pollutants.

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