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Florida Climate Outlook: Assessing Physical and Economic Impacts through 2040

Florida Climate Outlook: Assessing Physical and Economic Impacts through 2040

Full Title: Florida Climate Outlook: Assessing Physical and Economic Impacts through 2040
Author(s): Daniel Raimi, Amelia Keyes, and Cora Kingdon
Publisher(s): Resources for the Future
Publication Date: January 30, 2020
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Climate change is affecting Florida today, and those effects will become more significant in the years to come. This introduction provides basic information on recent temperature trends in Florida, along with projections over the next 20 years. This report discusses the implications of these changing temperatures along with changes in other climatic conditions that will affect Floridians. The report addresses the following topics:

Effects of Sea Level Rise in Florida
Effects of Climate Change on Storms in Florida
Effects of Climate Change on Human Mortality in Florida
Effects of Climate Change on Agriculture in Florida
Impacts of National Climate Policies on Florida Households

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