Full Title: Fossil Fuel Transition Strategies: Global Energy Transformation Guide - Electricity
Author(s): Cara Goldenberg, Anibal Gomez-Contreras, Leia Guccione, Genevieve Lillis, Matt Sugihara
Publisher(s): Rocky Mountain Institute
Publication Date: November 15, 2022
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
Declining costs, technological advances, and rising energy security concerns have resulted in renewable energy recently usurping coal and gas as the lowest-cost way to reliably power most countries’ economies. This cost advantage has been even more pronounced in the past year given the significant volatility in fossil fuel prices due to Russia’s war in Ukraine. To reliably transition the coal fleet, minimize the build-out of new gas, and mitigate customer and ratepayer impacts, utilities and governments are taking advantage of new financing and reinvestment opportunities that can help ease and support the transition to clean energy.
Through research and interviews with experts around the globe, RMI has compiled examples and data to describe how power sector leaders are leveraging fossil transition strategies to make progress on energy transition priorities.