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Free Economies are Clean Economies (2021)

Free Economies are Clean Economies (2021)

Full Title: Free Economies are Clean Economies
Author(s): Nick Loris
Publisher(s): Conservative Coalition for Climate Solutions
Publication Date: April 21, 2021
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

This paper explores the relationship between economic freedom and environmental well-being through an examination of data, principles and case studies. It provides a broad roadmap for how countries can meet their energy needs, raise levels of prosperity and reduce pollution and waste. A pro-growth framework rooted in economic freedom is also important in the context of global climate change. Free, competitive markets without heavy-handed government distortions will drive investments in cleaner, more efficient technologies and more resilient infrastructure. It will lead to a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and improve the ability to adapt to a changing climate. Global environmental issues like climate change are wickedly complex; the best global solutions will come in the form of economic freedom.

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