Full Title: From Carbon Neutral to Carbon Negative: a Theoretical Bioenergy and CO2 Removal Retrofit at Ngāwhā Geothermal Power Station
Author(s): Karan Titus, David Dempsey, Rebecca Peer, and Fabian Hanik
Publisher(s): Taylor & Francis
Publication Date: August 11, 2024
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Description (excerpt):
For countries like New Zealand with high renewable electricity generation (≥80%) but large emissions per capita, traditional decarbonisation methods are limited or costly. However, carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies can drive multiple sectors of the economy across the net-zero barrier through negative CO2 emissions. The authors argue that the key to scaling up CDR begins with the preponderance of New Zealand’s geothermal and biomass resources. New Zealand has a proud and innovative history with geothermal energy, currently producing ∼20% of the country’s electricity. Modern advances in geothermal energy have demonstrated that it is peerless amongst renewable energy-sources in the ability to facilitate onsite CDR by repurposing existing wells.
The report examines a theoretical bioenergy retrofit at the Ngāwhā geothermal plant to increase capacity by 1 MWe, with as much biogenic CO2 as permissible dissolved in reinjectate. Forestry residues are the feedstock of choice due to their abundance in the Far North. They show that up to 15.9 ktCO2/year can be removed effectively from the atmosphere. Only 6% of the Far North’s forestry residues are required to achieve this. Under 2024s emissions trading scheme (ETS), the annual revenue of CDR ($0.79 million) could exceed that of new electricity ($0.47 million).