Full Title: From the Ground Up: Recommendations for Building an Environmentally Just Carbon Removal Industry
Author(s): Leah Aronowsky, Nikki Batchelor, Alayna Chuney, Marcius Extavour, and Ugbaad Kosar
Publisher(s): XPrize, Musk Foundation, and Carbon 180
Publication Date: February 17, 2023
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
This report is the result of XPRIZE and Carbon180’s partnered effort to bring environmental justice to the forefront of the competition and prioritize EJ within the broader carbon removal community. It includes learnings from an EJ questionnaire that XPRIZE Carbon Removal teams completed as part of their Milestone Round application as well as tailored recommendations for integrating EJ into carbon removal projects from the outset.
The analysis presented in this report is targeted to early-stage carbon removal companies, but it may also be useful for carbon removal purchasers, investors, civil society organizations, government actors, communities, and others who are working to scale the field in ways that are both equitable and just. Our goal is to foster a dialogue within the carbon removal community about what an environmentally-just CDR industry might look like, and the processes and procedures that can enable it.