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Greening the Industrial Sector’s Operations

Greening the Industrial Sector’s Operations

Full Title: Greening the Industrial Sector’s Operations
Author(s): Veritone
Publisher(s): Veritone
Publication Date: March 15, 2023
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

With the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) by the US Congress, there are now incentives to drive the growth of the green energy sector. Providing a way to unlock investment opportunities by minimizing costs will benefit the industrial sector by helping them in various ways, such as becoming more environmentally sustainable and creating new revenue streams to fuel long-term growth.

In this white paper, we’ll cover a variety of topics on the subject, including what makes the Inflation Reduction Act different from previous government incentives, what the industrial sector faces with decarbonization, dive into what role AI will play in managing renewable energy management, the impact of machine learning and AI in microgrid management, and what hidden dangers exist when you delay green investments.

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