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Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings Program Guidebook for Utilities

Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings Program Guidebook for Utilities

Full Title: Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings Program Guidebook for Utilities
Author(s): Kate Strickland and Policy Ann Collier
Publisher(s): WPPI Energy and Smart Electric Power Alliance
Publication Date: September 9, 2024
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The objective of the Grid Interactive Efficient Building Program Guidebook for Utilities is to help small- to midsize electric utilities learn about grid-interactive efficient buildings, the types of benefits they offer to customers and the utility, and how this new way of managing building energy use relates to customer programs that utilities may already offer.

Getting to grid-interactive efficient buildings (GEBs) is a journey that will take time, and many utilities are just getting started. This guidebook also outlines how utilities can begin the process of establishing or even combining the basic building blocks of GEBs to prepare for the future. The guidebook focuses on manageable steps that smaller utilities can take today to develop these programs in a way that leverages their unique context, capabilities, and objectives while also addressing potential constraints.

SEPA developed this guidebook in partnership with WPPI Energy, a member-owned, not-for-profit joint action agency serving 51 locally owned electric utilities in Wisconsin, Iowa and Upper Michigan. This Guidebook was developed with support from the American Public Power Association’s Demonstration of Energy & Efficiency Developments program. Popularly known as DEED, the program funds research, pilot projects, and education to improve the operations and services of public power utilities.

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