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Harnessing the Potential of Flexible Demand Response in Emerging Markets – Lessons Learned and International Best Practices

Harnessing the Potential of Flexible Demand Response in Emerging Markets – Lessons Learned and International Best Practices

Full Title: Harnessing the Potential of Flexible Demand Response in Emerging Markets - Lessons Learned and International Best Practices
Author(s): Gabriela Elizondo-Azuela, Luiz Maurer, and Kabir Malik
Publisher(s): Energy Sector Management Assistance Program
Publication Date: November 27, 2024
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Demand response (DR) programs incentivize electricity consumers to adjust their consumption in response to supply conditions or price signals. Increasingly, electricity demand is being utilized as a resource to support reliable and efficient grid operations. Controlling electricity demand, along with battery energy storage systems, provides essential grid flexibility, enabling the integration of larger share of renewable energy, such as solar and wind, into a country’s energy mix. As the transition to clean energy accelerates, the role of DR is expected to expand significantly, yet it remains underutilized in many developing countries.

This ESMAP report explores the concept of DR and its critical role in the global energy transition. It examines case studies from China, India, South Africa, Brazil, and select small island nations, offering insights into the challenges and opportunities of implementing DR, particularly in emerging economies. The report highlights price-based mechanisms, like time-of-use tariffs, and less common quantity-based schemes where consumers receive incentives to reduce consumption. It emphasizes that DR programs must be tailored to a country’s specific grid constraints, power system structure, and demand characteristics.

Furthermore, the report underscores the importance of supportive policy, regulatory frameworks, and market designs for DR adoption. It provides an overview of different DR business models and offers a roadmap for designing and implementing effective programs to help emerging markets improve grid reliability and support energy system decarbonization.

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