Full Title: How the Oil Industry Has Sustained Market Dominance Through Policy Influence: A Historical Analysis of the Oil and Gas Playbook Against Renewables and Electric Vehicles
Author(s): Dario Kenner
Publisher(s): InfluenceMap
Publication Date: July 1, 2024
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
This report investigates a key influencing strategy used by the fossil fuel industry as part of its agenda to block science-based climate policy action. This strategy, which focuses on undermining a transition away from fossil fuels to zero-carbon alternatives such as renewable energy and electric vehicles, can be seen as an important component of a wider campaign against climate action that goes at least as far back as the late 1960s. This campaign has had a significant negative impact on the ability of governments, globally, to address the climate crisis.
The analysis utilizes a dataset compiled by Dario Kenner, a visiting research fellow at the University of Sussex. The dataset includes over 50 detailed instances of the American Petroleum Institute, FuelsEurope, and Fuels Industry UK opposing alternatives to fossil fuels between 1967 and 2021. Data from 2021 to 2023 was collected by InfluenceMap to ensure that the analysis is up-to-date, and the entire dataset was then analyzed by InfluenceMap for narrative trends.