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Implementing EPA’s Clean Power Plan: A Menu of Options

Implementing EPA’s Clean Power Plan: A Menu of Options

Full Title: Implementing EPA's Clean Power Plan: A Menu of Options
Author(s): National Association of Clean Air Agencies (NACAA)
Publisher(s): National Association of Clean Air Agencies (NACAA)
Publication Date: May 1, 2015
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

In June 2014, EPA issued a proposed rule setting carbon dioxide (CO2) emission standards for existing fossil fuel-fired power plants. The proposal, also called the Clean Power Plan (CPP), was promulgated under Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act.

To help states develop plans to meet their CPP emissions goals, NACAA has developed a technical document identifying a wide range of technologies, programs and policies that agencies might employ to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the power sector as part of a CPP implementation plan. Entitled Implementing EPA’s Clean Power Plan: A Menu of Options, the tool is available for download below.

The Menu begins with 25 detailed chapters, each of which explores various approaches to GHG reduction in the electric sector. Each chapter starts with a profile, that is, a short description of the pros and cons of the approach. Next, the regulatory backdrop, policy underpinnings, implementation experience, and GHG reduction potential associated with the approach are discussed. Each chapter then looks at co-benefits of the approach, including benefits to society and the utility system. Costs and cost-effectiveness are also explored. Finally, in Chapter 26, the Menu more briefly examines a variety of emerging technologies and other important policies that regulators may wish to consider as they formulate plans to reduce power sector GHG emissions. Each of these chapters may be downloaded below either individually or as part of the complete Menu.

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