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Income Verification Strategies for Income-Based Solar Programs

Income Verification Strategies for Income-Based Solar Programs

Full Title: Income Verification Strategies for Income-Based Solar Programs
Author(s): Greg Leventis, Sydney Forrester, and Bentham Paulos
Publisher(s): Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Publication Date: July 1, 2024
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The Inflation Reduction Act has created substantial new programs that support adoption of solar power by low-income households, including the $7 billion Solar For All program and the Low-Income Communities Bonus Credit Program, which increases the investment tax credit for certain types of deployment. In addition, a growing number of states are using solar programs to reduce energy burdens and create energy justice opportunities for low-income households and disadvantaged communities.

Verifying the income of participating customers is an important component of these programs. Program managers are seeking strategies to verify a large number of subscribing customers in an accurate, timely, and cost-efficient manner.

To help inform program managers, Berkeley Lab investigated how a number of energy and non-energy programs manage income verification. The most common approach is to require proof through tax documents, pay stubs, or other formal income documentation, which can pose an impediment to enrolling eligible customers and create a paperwork burden for administrators. In order to reduce the burden for both the applicant and the program manager, some programs use alternative methods.

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