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Insights from Fossil Fuel Replacement Case Studies

Insights from Fossil Fuel Replacement Case Studies

Full Title: Insights from Fossil Fuel Replacement Case Studies
Author(s): Jordan Burt, Elisabeth Seliga, Tanya Stasio, Lila McNamee, and Elizabeth A. Stanton
Publisher(s): Applied Economics Clinic
Publication Date: December 12, 2024
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

On behalf of the Berkshire Environmental Action Team, Researcher Jordan Burt, Assistant Researcher Elisabeth Seliga, Researcher Tanya Stasio, PhD, Research Assistant Lila McNamee, and Principal Economist Liz Stanton, PhD, prepared a report that reviews case studies of fossil-fuel plant conversions to clean energy resources across the country and discusses the replacement of existing peaker plants in Massachusetts to achieve statewide climate goals. The report identifies three key takeaways for the Commonwealth:

1. Fossil-fuel sites can be desirable locations for clean energy siting

2. Reducing reliance on fossil-fuel generation can help lessen the burden of environmental and health impacts on already overburdened communities

3. Fossil-fuel plant conversions are a tool that can be used to achieve state and local greenhouse gas emission limits.

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