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Insights on the First 29 Long-term Climate Strategies Submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Insights on the First 29 Long-term Climate Strategies Submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Full Title: Insights on the First 29 Long-term Climate Strategies Submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Author(s): Katie Ross, Clea Schumer, Taryn Fransen, Shiying Wang, Cynthia Elliott
Publisher(s): World Resources Institute (WRI)
Publication Date: September 20, 2021
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

As part of the international Paris Agreement on climate change, all countries agreed that they should develop long-term climate strategies. These strategies set out a mid-century vision to cut greenhouse gas emissions and improve climate resilience, while simultaneously achieving national development objectives and paving the way for long-term climate action.

This analysis examines the plans submitted as of June 2021 and assesses how they aim to drive ambitious national climate action in the near-term and help deliver on net-zero emission goals. It identifies the common trends and transformations that these parties envisage across all sectors of the economy and pinpoints the elements where further action is needed. It finds that while early progress on long-term climate strategies has been made, many countries, still require support to develop and implement their long-term strategies. Policymakers can therefore use this research to help shape the design and rigor of their long-term strategies.

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