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Integrating Distributed Solar and Storage: The Keystones of a Modern Grid

Integrating Distributed Solar and Storage: The Keystones of a Modern Grid

Full Title: Integrating Distributed Solar and Storage: The Keystones of a Modern Grid
Author(s): Michael Judge, Laurel Passera, Nina Lobo, Kat Cox-Arslan, Kavita Ravi, Shauna Thompson, Ed Brolin
Publisher(s): Coalition for Community Solar Access, Local Solar for All
Publication Date: February 17, 2022
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The United States must transition to an energy sector powered by clean energy as rapidly as possible to
meet ambitious state and federal clean energy and climate targets. It must also keep pace with an exponential increase in energy demand resulting from the electrification of the building and transportation sectors. To accelerate the rapid adoption required to meet these combined needs, federal and state policymakers will need to intentionally reform and make proactive investments in comprehensive system planning and grid modernization, which will significantly improve the process of physically integrating distributed energy resources (DERs) into the electric grid and will lead to significant economic benefits for all Americans. Guided by legislators and regulators, these reforms and investments will help facilitate the transformation of the current electric grid into one that is cleaner, more affordable, smarter, flexible, and more resilient.

This white paper outlines the tools needed and steps that should be taken by policymakers, utilities, and
industry stakeholders to plan for the future electric grid and to enable the transition to occur as rapidly and seamlessly as possible.

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