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Issue Brief: Reining in the EPA Through the Power of the Purse

Issue Brief: Reining in the EPA Through the Power of the Purse

Full Title: Issue Brief: Reining in the EPA Through the Power of the Purse
Author(s): Daren Bakst
Publisher(s): The Heritage Foundation
Publication Date: August 1, 2014
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

While significant criticism is rightfully directed to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on issues such as greenhouse gas (GHG) regulation, Congress itself is to blame for not reasserting its lawmaking power over an agency that is supposed to be implementing the will of Congress, not the will of the agency.

Through the appropriations process, Congress can rein in the EPA and its overreach. This power of the purse is a critical check that Congress has on agency power. If Congress is concerned about the actions that the EPA is taking, then Congress needs to stop spending the money that makes it possible for EPA to take these actions

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