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Let Communities Choose: Clean Energy Sovereignty in Highland Park, Michigan

Let Communities Choose: Clean Energy Sovereignty in Highland Park, Michigan

Full Title: Let Communities Choose: Clean Energy Sovereignty in Highland Park, Michigan
Author(s): James Gignac
Publisher(s): Union of Concerned Scientists, Soulardarity
Publication Date: October 5, 2021
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Description (excerpt):

In Highland Park, Michigan, the energy education and advocacy organization Soulardarity has a vision of energy sovereignty: a community powered by resilient, affordable clean energy resources, owned by Highland Park residents and businesses.

To that end, this analysis by the Union of Concerned Scientists and Soulardarity shows how solar power, energy efficiency, and other local resources can meet 100 percent of the community’s electricity demand. Changes in public policies can make the vision not only possible but affordable for Highland Park as well as other communities across the United States. Empowering local communities to choose clean energy can and should play a key role in overall decarbonization efforts in Highland Park, in Michigan, and across the country.

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