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Manufacturing and Energy: Advancing Productivity, Prosperity, and the Environment An Overview of Industrial Technical Assistance for State and Territory Energy Offices

Manufacturing and Energy: Advancing Productivity, Prosperity, and the Environment An Overview of Industrial Technical Assistance for State and Territory Energy Offices

Full Title: Manufacturing and Energy: Advancing Productivity, Prosperity, and the Environment An Overview of Industrial Technical Assistance for State and Territory Energy Offices
Author(s): National Association of State Energy Officials
Publisher(s): National Association of State Energy Officials
Publication Date: January 15, 2025
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

A resurgence in U.S. manufacturing is in the offing, propelled by private investment and reinforced through public policies and incentives. Manufacturing makes large contributions to incomes, employment, and tax bases at national, state, and local community levels. Domestic manufacturing is crucial to economic competitiveness and to the resilience and security of supply chains for critical products and materials. However, manufacturing also
consumes large amounts of energy and can contribute to adverse environmental impacts, including pollution and climate-altering emissions.

There are significant opportunities, many readily available, to improve manufacturing energy and environmental performance while enhancing productivity and competitiveness. State and Territory Energy Offices can play important roles to support such improvements and advance state economic, energy, and environmental goals, including, among others, raising awareness, uptake, and coordination of industrial technical assistance programs; supporting technology advancement; and including manufacturing considerations in state energy policies and planning. This brief, developed under the aegis of the National Association of State Energy Officials State Industrial Working Group, provides an overview of the importance of manufacturing and relevant State Energy Office interests, a summary of
various programs and resources for industrial and manufacturing technical assistance, and a few highlighted cases of states that are advancing manufacturing energy and environmental management.

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