Full Title: Maximizing Cost Savings and Emission Reductions: Power Market Options for the Southeast United States
Author(s): Christopher T. M. Clack, Aditya Choukulkar, Brianna Coté, Sarah A. McKee
Publisher(s): Vibrant Clean Energy, LLC, American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE)
Publication Date: September 28, 2021
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Description (excerpt):
Several utilities in the southeastern United States have proposed to form a framework named the Southeast Energy Exchange Market (SEEM) for trading energy among its members. This study uses the WIS:dom-P optimization model to evaluate the SEEM framework against an optimal energy imbalance market (EIM) and regional transmission organization (RTO) over the proposed SEEM footprint. An additional scenario investigates the cost of decarbonizing the electricity sector in the SEEM footprint in the presence of an RTO. While the possible savings from the SEEM framework have been covered in other studies, this study investigates the potential for further savings compared to the SEEM