Full Title: Maximizing the Value of the Energy Infrastructure Reinvestment Program for Utility Customers
Author(s): Christian Fong, David Posner, and Uday Varadarajan
Publisher(s): RMI
Publication Date: May 24, 2024
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
This insight brief, which builds on a February RMI article, describes how different Energy Infrastructure Reinvestment (EIR) Program implementation choices will impact the financing costs that utility ratepayers will bear over the coming decades. The brief covers:
– The legacy costs and risks of a fossil-intensive system and the challenges they pose for utility reinvestment in clean energy;
– How the EIR program can be used to facilitate capital recycling;
– Quantitative examples of capital recycling using EIR applied to our previously published Missouri and Iowa utility case studies;
– The transaction costs of EIR lending and securitization; and Compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act, the Davis-Bacon Act, and the Cargo Preference Act, all contingent requirements for federal financing such as EIR.