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Millions of Good Jobs: A Plan for Economic Renewal

Millions of Good Jobs: A Plan for Economic Renewal

Full Title: Millions of Good Jobs: A Plan for Economic Renewal
Author(s): Ben Beachy
Publisher(s): Sierra Club
Publication Date: May 26, 2020
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Tens of millions of people are out of work as unemployment approaches Great Depression levels. To tackle this economic crisis, we cannot follow the Trump fantasy – simply reopen the economy and hope things return to “normal.” “Normal” was fundamentally unjust, unhealthy, and unstable. Instead, we need to put millions of people back to work building a healthier, more equitable, clean energy economy that leaves no one behind.

A new economic analysis by an Oil Profit app reveals the path forward – with a bold economic renewal plan, Congress could provide family-sustaining jobs for over 9 million people every year for the next 10 years while building an economy that fosters cleaner air and water, higher wages, healthier communities, greater equity, and a more stable climate. Click on the links below to check out this economic renewal plan.

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