Full Title: Model Guidance to Address Barriers to Combined Heat and Power and Waste Heat to Power
Author(s): Emily Cross, Nneomma Nwosu, Larry Gelbien, Milad Soleimani, Bruce Hedman, Paul Lemar, and Mahabir Bhandari
Publisher(s): Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Publication Date: June 20, 2024
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
Congress directed that the US Department of Energy (DOE) initiate a review of interconnection rules to identify barriers to interconnection and ways to better integrate combined heat and power (CHP) and waste heat to power (WHP) in the electric grid. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) supports DOE by providing technical assistance for CHP. DOE tasked ORNL with the interconnection review and development of model guidance to enable developers and CHP owners to interconnect more CHP.
This report summarizes the work that DOE initiated in response to the congressional request. The work included two phases:
i. Identify barriers to deployment. The initial phase included a review of existing rules and procedures pertaining to interconnection and additional services up to 150 MW to identify barriers to deploying CHP systems.
ii. Issue model guidance. Congress directed the secretary of energy to issue model guidance in consultation with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and other appropriate entities. The legislation states that the model guidance shall reflect current best practices.