Full Title: Net-Zero Steel Sector Transition Strategy
Author(s): Energy Transitions Commission, Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI)
Publisher(s): Energy Transitions Commission, Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI)
Publication Date: October 20, 2021
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
Concrete, steel, aluminum, and chemicals—as well as the trucks, ships, and planes that move them—are the building blocks of the global economy. However, these seven sectors are jointly responsible for 30% of greenhouse gas emissions and, without action, this share is expected to grow.
This report sets out an industry-backed and science-based net-zero transition strategy for the steel sector and identifies what needs to happen to enable this future between now and 2050. It is underpinned by the Steel Sector Transition Strategy Model (ST-STSM), which has been developed in close collaboration with steel industry representatives and experts through the Net-Zero Steel Initiative (NZSI).