Full Title: Office of Energy Projects Energy Infrastructure Update
Publisher(s): Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Publication Date: November 1, 2016
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Natural Gas Highlights
- Southern Natural placed into service its South Main Expansion Project which will provide 5 MMcf/d of capacity to serve municipal gas systems located across Southern Natural’s South Georgia Lateral.
- Dominion Carolina Gas received authorization to place into service its Columbia to Eastover Project which will provide 18 MMcf/d of capacity to serve International Paper Company’s pulp and paper mill in Richland County, SC.
- Rockies Express received authorization to place into service its REX Zone 3 Enhancement Project (except the faciltiies authorized at the existing Hamilton Compressor Station in Warren County, OH) which will provide 800 MMcf/d of east-to-west capacity from Clarington, OH to Moultrie County, IL.
- Millennium received authorization to construct and operate its CPV Valley Lateral Project which will provide 127.2 MMcf/d of capacity to serve CPV Valley’s 630 MW new combined cycle electric generator currently under construction in the Town of Wawayanda, NY