The OurEnergyLibrary aggregates and indexes publicly available fact sheets, journal articles, reports, studies, and other publications on U.S. energy topics. It is updated every week to include the most recent energy resources from academia, government, industry, non-profits, think tanks, and trade associations. Suggest a resource by emailing us at
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The United States is investing tens of billions of dollars in nuclear weapon acquisition programs to modernize aging nuclear weapons. NNSA is currently managing seven such programs, in coordination with DOD.
Two Senate Armed Services Committee reports include provisions for GAO to review NNSA’s management of its nuclear weapon acquisition programs, as well as the status of these programs biennially. This report assesses (1) the processes NNSA uses for managing these programs and (2) the challenges NNSA faces. The report also includes individual assessments of the five NNSA nuclear weapon acquisition programs under way at the start of GAO’s review.…
View Full ResourceThe Texas Oil & Gas Association’s (TXOGA) Quarterly Energy Economics Review has evolved into a flagship publication for the oil and natural gas industry, offering actionable insights by translating economic developments into practical implications for our members and stakeholders interested in energy market fundamentals.
As of this writing, the global economy is navigating a rare combination of economic dynamics. Abundant liquidity and low interest rates are fueling asset price appreciation, yet significant risks and uncertainties are simultaneously driving demand for defensive assets. Only a few periods in modern history—the economic downturn (marked by high inflation and unemployment, “stagflation”) in the …
View Full ResourcePerformance standards and specifications (PSS) — which focus on desired properties rather than recipes — have long been highlighted as enabling sustainability, reducing costs, and improving both the durability and performance of cement and concrete in the construction industry. However, adoption has been slowed by bottlenecks, such as the need to develop a suite of specifications that can substantially help guarantee concrete performance and the need to develop better durability and long-term performance tests.
In the United States, the movement away from ordinary Portland cement (OPC) to blended cements like Portland Limestone Cement (PLC) and Limestone Calcined Clay cement (LC3), …
View Full ResourceThe Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 introduced, for the first time, place-based federal tax incentives for projects sited in “Energy Communities,” potentially changing the economic calculus of where projects are best sited. Storage projects can qualify for a 10-percentage-point bonus to the Investment Tax Credit (e.g., from 30% to 40%), while wind and solar projects may qualify for either the ITC bonus or a 10% bonus to the Production Tax Credit (e.g., from $27.5 to $30.25/MWh). Energy Communities are areas with historical ties to fossil fuel industries and above average unemployment levels (FFEU), with closed coal mines or power plants, …
View Full ResourcePublished every year, the NEA Annual Report includes an overview of NEA’s activities and publications produced during the year, as well as the latest developments in nuclear energy sector around the world. Available in English and in French, the report covers a wide spectrum of topics that provide governments and other relevant stakeholders with authoritative, reliable information and analyses on current and future nuclear technologies.
The 2023 NEA Annual Report sheds light on the Agency’s activities in the fields of nuclear development, nuclear safety and regulation, human aspects of nuclear safety, radiological protection, radioactive waste management, decommissioning of nuclear installations …
View Full ResourceBulk-power grid connection is an emerging bottleneck to the entry of wind, solar, and storage but has been understudied due to a lack of data. The authors create and analyze two novel interconnection datasets with more than 38,000 project-level observations that provide new information documenting interconnection challenges in the United States. Active grid connection requests are more than double the total installed capacity of the US power plant fleet (2,600 vs. 1,280 GW). The time required to secure a connection has increased by 70% over the last decade, and withdrawal rates remain high at 80%, suggesting a constrained transmission system …
View Full ResourceUtilities have conducted distribution planning since they first began building and operating electricity systems. But filing these plans for regulatory and stakeholder review is a relatively recent phenomenon.
This report summarizes legislative and regulatory requirements for regulated electric utilities to file some type of distribution system plan in 20 U.S. jurisdictions. Some plans focus on expedited cost recovery for certain types of distribution system improvements; other plans focus on investments for grid modernization or distributed energy resources. Increasingly, states are adopting requirements for Integrated Distribution Plans. Such plans provide holistic grid investment strategies that address state and local policies and …
View Full ResourceThis report documents the tenth edition of the annual Standard Scenarios. It summarizes 61 forward-looking scenarios of the U.S. electricity sector that have been designed to capture a wide range of possible futures.
The Standard Scenarios are simulated using the Regional Energy Deployment System (ReEDS) model. ReEDS projects possible electricity sector evolution by identifying the least-cost buildout and operation of utility-scale assets that meet policy, reliability, and operational constraints. Such a least-cost approach is intended to reflect the results of a well-functioning market or well-regulated system.…
View Full ResourceThis multi-volume study of U.S. LNG exports serves to provide an updated understanding of the potential effects of U.S. LNG exports on the domestic economy, U.S. households and consumers; communities that live near locations where natural gas is produced or exported; domestic and international energy security, including effects on U.S. trading partners; and the environment and climate. Prior to this study, Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) most recent economic and environmental analyses of U.S. LNG exports were published in 2018 and 2019, respectively.
At that time, U.S. LNG exports were just getting underway and our export capacity was 4 billion cubic …
View Full ResourceThis special report focuses on geothermal, a promising and versatile renewable energy resource with vast untapped potential for electricity generation, heating and cooling. Geothermal has been a part of energy systems for more than 100 years, but it has played a limited role on a global scale. Now, the geothermal industry is at a critical juncture.
New technologies are enabling access to previously untapped resources, while cost reductions and innovative financing models are paving the way for increasing geothermal’s role in energy systems around the world. Additionally, techniques developed by the oil and gas industry – including a strong understanding …
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