Full Title: Parting the Red (Tape) Sea: Delivering Infrastructure Projects on Time and on Budget is Key to Hitting Climate Goals
Author(s): Josh Freed and John Milko
Publisher(s): Third Way
Publication Date: July 17, 2019
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
Getting to zero carbon in the United States will require a major, national investment in new energy, transportation, and building infrastructure, as well as in rebuilding our existing, decaying infrastructure. The U.S. used to do this very well – delivering ambitious public works projects on time and on budget. Those days, however, are currently far in the rearview mirror. To reach our climate goals, we’re going to need to get back to building big things at their original price tag and getting them done on schedule. To accomplish this, Third Way identified seven roadblocks plaguing U.S. infrastructure projects with overruns and delays. While these roadblocks are not easily dismantled, we identified eight steps policymakers can take to begin to address these problems.