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Perceptions of Large-Scale Solar Neighbors Results from a National Survey

Perceptions of Large-Scale Solar Neighbors Results from a National Survey

Full Title: Perceptions of Large-Scale Solar Neighbors Results from a National Survey
Author(s): Joseph Rand, Ben Hoen, Robi Nilson, Sarah Mills, Karl Hoesch, Doug Bessette, and Jake White
Publisher(s): Berkeley Lab
Publication Date: April 1, 2024
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

As of 2022, there were more than 10 million U.S. homes within 3 miles of large-scale solar (LSS) plants. Yet, until recently, no comprehensive study had examined the experiences and perceptions of these LSS neighbors. In 2023, a Berkeley Lab led team conducted the first-of-its-kind nationally representative survey of LSS neighbors living within 3 miles of existing LSS projects. The survey asked about LSS neighbors’ attitudes toward their local projects, related perceptions, and insights for future LSS development. In total, 984 usable survey responses were collected.
Overall, the responses illustrate that positive attitudes vastly outnumber negative attitudes among LSS neighbors, but the results also point out various factors (e.g., physical characteristics of the LSS plant and perceptions of related impacts) that might correspond to more negative attitudes. In addition, the survey results offer insights into opportunities to improve the perceived fairness of the planning process and other important considerations for future LSS development.

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