Full Title: Perverse Pay: Bonuses at the Tennessee Valley Authority Fuel Gas-Filled Future
Author(s): Gaby Sarri-Tobar
Publisher(s): Center for Biological Diversity
Publication Date: April 1, 2024
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
Public utility giant Tennessee Valley Authority desperately needs to transform from a dirty fossil fuel polluter to a clean energy leader. But an obstacle stands in the way: TVA’s executive bonus incentive structure, which rewards fossil fuel deployment.
This perverse system pays TVA executives for entrenching fossil fuels in the TVA grid. Climate science has made crystal clear the fact that fossil fuels are driving the climate emergency, and the TVA board has an opportunity to reform its incentives to promote renewable and resilient energy and protect its customers from electricity rate hikes spiked by fossil fuel prices, unreliable fossil energy, fossil fuel pollution, and further climate disasters.