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Pipeline Bubble: North America Is Betting Over $1 Trillion on a Risky Fossil Infrastructure Boom

Pipeline Bubble: North America Is Betting Over $1 Trillion on a Risky Fossil Infrastructure Boom

Full Title: Pipeline Bubble: North America Is Betting Over $1 Trillion on a Risky Fossil Infrastructure Boom
Author(s): Ted Nace, Lydia Plante, and James Browning
Publisher(s): Global Energy Monitor
Publication Date: April 1, 2019
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

From 2011 to 2016, following a period of heady optimism and over-expansion based on expectations of surging Asian demand, coal mining company values plummeted and bankruptcies decimated the sector (see Sidebar: “The Coal Mining Equities Crash”). Today, investors in the booming expansion of oil and gas infrastructure appear headed for a similar shock, as boom-fueled optimism runs into climate realities and fiscal limits.

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