Full Title: Policies To Accelerate The Transition To Clean And Competitive U.S. Industry
Author(s): Jeffrey Rissman
Publisher(s): Energy Innovation
Publication Date: April 4, 2023
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Description (excerpt):
Industrial firms manufacture the products we use every day and the technologies transforming every sector of our economy. However, manufacturing is directly responsible for a quarter of the United States’ greenhouse gas emissions (or a third, when including emissions from the electricity purchased by industry).
Clean industrial technologies allow manufacturers to cut emissions while growing domestic production. The right policies can dramatically accelerate deployment of these technologies, create high-quality jobs, reduce the air pollution that harms public health, bolster the U.S.’s industrial competitiveness, and secure its technological leadership. This memo identifies key policy options that would reduce industrial greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, would boost U.S. GDP and jobs, and have the potential to secure bipartisan federal support in 2023 and 2024.